Surface Drug Testing

A safe and productive workplace is essential for the company and the rights of every employee. One of the ways to maintain that safety and productivity is by making sure that your workplace is drug and alcohol-free. One of the ways to do that is by regularly doing surface drug tests around the workplace to detect traces of illicit substances on company cars, lunchrooms, lockers etc. 

At Relevant Drug Testing Solutions, we specialise in precise and efficient surface drug testing at workplaces, so your workplace can stay drug free, and you can provide sufficient support to your workers who might be victims of drug abuse.

How Do We Conduct Surface Drug Tests

Our process is thorough. Here is how we conduct surface drug testing:



Our accredited technicians use sterile swabs to collect samples from the identified surfaces. Each swab is handled with care to avoid contamination, and multiple areas can be tested to ensure thorough coverage.

Applying Reagent:

Once the samples are collected, a specific reagent is applied to detect the presence of drugs. This reagent reacts with any drug residues on the swabs, enabling us to identify even trace amounts of substances.

Observing Results:

The final step involves observing the reaction of the reagent. Our technicians are trained to interpret the results accurately, providing you with a detailed report on the findings. Any non-negative results are documented, and additional samples can be taken to a NATA approved laboratory for further testing.


Our process begins with thorough preparation of the surface that is required to be tested. We use protective gear and sterile swabs to maintain the integrity of each sample and not tamper with any possible evidence.

Interested In Learning More About Surface Drug Testing?

Call us today for a confidential, obligation free chat.

Areas frequently requested for surface drug testing include:

Why Choose Us for Surface Drug Testing

Trained Technicians: All of our technicians are trained for surface drug testing, from sample collection to testing. 

Auditable Testing Process: We carefully document the whole testing process from start to finish so it is capable of being audited. 

Random Testing: We independently manage the random selection of the time, date, department and section to be tested in our ongoing random surface drug testing programs.

Independent Service Provider: Our Accredited Technicians are direct employees. No contractors, agents or franchisees here! We ensure privacy and confidentiality in accordance with Privacy Legislation and Australian Standards.

Need Surface Drug Testing for Your Workplace?

Our team is ready to help!

Surface Drug Testing Service in Australia

Surface drug tests at the workplace can detect a number of drugs present on employees’ desks, personal lockers, lunchrooms, bathrooms, company vehicles and offices. Our accredited team can detect cannabis, cocaine, opiates and amphetamines at your workplace without tempering with any possible evidence during the analysis. We are an independent service provider who analyse the samples in NATA accredited laboratories. 

If you want to make your workplace drug free with efficiency, give us a call for our 24/7 advice service. Our experienced and trained team is equipped with all the necessary tools to conduct thorough surface drug tests at your workplace. 

FAQs about Surface Drug Testing

Can you detect Cannabis through surface drug tests? 

Yes, our team is trained to conduct thorough surface drug tests to detect methamphetamine, cannabis, opiates and other common drugs at workplaces. We also offer additional testing of the collected samples at NATA accredited laboratories to ensure accuracy and efficiency. 

Is surface drug testing efficient? 

Surface drug testing is an efficient way to test the presence of drugs in offices, desks, lunchrooms, lockers, common areas, and company vehicles. Surface drug testing is specifically efficient to test company vehicles post accidents.

How much does a surface drug test cost?

Surface drug test costs depend on the number of surfaces that need to be tested, the area of the surface and the number of samples needed. To get a detailed quote, call us and one of our trained staff can further guide you on the process and the costs.