Surface drug tests at the workplace can detect a number of drugs present on employees’ desks, personal lockers, lunchrooms, bathrooms, company vehicles and offices. Our accredited team can detect cannabis, cocaine, opiates and amphetamines at your workplace without tempering with any possible evidence during the analysis. We are an independent service provider who analyse the samples in NATA accredited laboratories.
If you want to make your workplace drug free with efficiency, give us a call for our 24/7 advice service. Our experienced and trained team is equipped with all the necessary tools to conduct thorough surface drug tests at your workplace.
FAQs about Surface Drug Testing
Can you detect Cannabis through surface drug tests?
Yes, our team is trained to conduct thorough surface drug tests to detect methamphetamine, cannabis, opiates and other common drugs at workplaces. We also offer additional testing of the collected samples at NATA accredited laboratories to ensure accuracy and efficiency.
Is surface drug testing efficient?
Surface drug testing is an efficient way to test the presence of drugs in offices, desks, lunchrooms, lockers, common areas, and company vehicles. Surface drug testing is specifically efficient to test company vehicles post accidents.
How much does a surface drug test cost?
Surface drug test costs depend on the number of surfaces that need to be tested, the area of the surface and the number of samples needed. To get a detailed quote, call us and one of our trained staff can further guide you on the process and the costs.